My dog is sitting at my feet, BEGGING for attention. "Please Rachelle, just pet me for a minute. I'll never ask for anything ever again!" lies.... it's all a lie... of course he'll be begging for attention again the moment I stop petting him. But I wonder...
What if we sat at God's feet the way that Charlie sits at mine? Lovingly, just wanting to be with him. Just pleading for more quality time. I imagine that God would be elated if his children did this. He loves to bestow his affection on us, we just don't slow down enough to receive it. Yes, Charlie's main priority in life is to follow my footsteps back in forth throughout the apartment, he doesn't have work, school, or any other priorities... but it's his pureness in heart. All he wants is one more minute together, one more stroke on his head, or one more belly pat. Oh my child, just spend time with me. You don't have to drop everything and kneel where you are, just let me spend your day with you. Talk with me throughout your day. Share your thoughts and emotions. I follow you everywhere you go throughout your day, never forget that.