Sunday, September 18, 2011

I am still here

God showed me this morning that I am not very grateful. I tell him "thanks for my family and your love and..." But, how much more should I simply say thank-you? I was reading Thessalonians 5 and ran across...

"Always be joyful. Keep on praying. No matter what happens, always be thankful, for this is God's will for you who belong to Jesus." --Thessalonians 5:16-18

This made me think of Phillipians 4:6

"Don't be anxious about anything, but in everything, through prayer and thanksgiving, submit your requests to God."

Twice God mentions thanksgiving when talking about praying and submitting your needs. May I should give thanking God more a try!

I am watching out for you! I will never leave nor forsake you. As my son was on the cross, I was thinking about you and the life we would spend together in eternity. Forgive my beloved, just as I forgave you. Jesus never defended himself or tried to justify himself to those who lead him to his death. No, my son walked in union with me and fulfilled my will. I see you my daughter. I have not forgotten you. And, I know you are hurting. Hang in there, beloved. There is more to come. Just like now, I will be here to refresh and encourage you always. I won't leave you, and I will always be here to talk. Know in your heart, Rachelle, that you are worth loving. You were worth every drop of blood and every tear that was shed. Not once did I rethink giving my son for you. 
Your Faithful Savior 

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